The 21-Day Fast: Part II
You may not have figured out your calling overnight or between reading Part I and Part II in this series, but you’re well on your way. Want to know how I know that? Because I’m praying for YOU!
You see, sometimes we don’t know what to ask or how to go about it at all. Those are times that two things can and will happen:
- The Holy Spirit intercedes on our behalf. The cool thing about it is, we don’t have to do anything other than sit quietly with God.
- Others can pray for us. This does require that we reach out to someone we trust in order that they may also include us in prayer.
Before I set out on this [what turned out to be] 21-day journey, I had written down some things that I wanted to work on — pray over for myself. The list included things like let go of control, stop planning everything, trust in others, respond not react, to not be so easily distracted, and the list went on down the page. You see, these are things that I wanted God to change in me but in order to see that change, I needed to make some changes.
I am happy to say that I have made improvements in some of the areas I prayed about but not all. I’m a work in progress and SO ARE YOU! We can’t think that just because we are feeling motivated to make changes that every, single thing we dislike about ourselves is going to disappear overnight.
So during those 21 days, I prayed the most at the end. In the beginning, I am honestly not sure what I was waiting for…maybe for someone else to change me? Or like I said yesterday, for something miraculous to happen.
One of the main things I had hoped to come out with was a better sense of direction in terms of my health. And I am so incredibly proud to say that I have. I’ve been doing a study with some friends from church, learning more about the things that I CAN do to create lasting changes in my health. I’ve been exercising regularly – both inside and outside – making healthier food choices and even incorporating supplements that have great health benefits.
In those 21 days, I lost 7lbs and gained so much insight into the how’s and why’s. One of the most important things I got out of it all is my WHY. I kept thinking of all these reasons I needed to lose weight, exercise and put the right foods in my body but none truly made an impact like reading this scripture did:
Ever since that verse discovered me (yes, I said that right) I have had a renewed focus. I even put it on the wall where I can see it when I’m on the elliptical. Every time I pray, that is one of the first things that I thank God for reminding me.
Remember when I said I didn’t pray as much until the end of the 21 days? Well, I’m now on Day 24 because God’s not done with my journey yet. I may be back on social media because I feel it’s time to start writing again, but God isn’t done with me yet. And He’s not done with you either!
You see, I was reading every morning, doing my devotions just not praying like I felt I should be. Then when that scripture went up on my wall, it was as if God was speaking to me every time I exercised. I wanted that feeling more. So, I decided that instead of doing the same old thing on the elliptical, which was listening to music, I would watch sermons that spoke into my life and then pray when I was nearing the end of my workout. I would be in this “cool down” stage until my prayers were done and you know what? My workout ended up being at least 10 sometimes 15 minutes longer than I had anticipated but it never felt like it.
God wants to meet us right where we’re at. Whether it’s on the elliptical, in the shower, while driving to work or laying in bed. He wants to catch us where He has our greatest attention; where He can do His greatest work. The hard part is…we have to remember to meet Him there.
I encourage you today to find that place where the presence of God is most prevalent and go there — often! Let Him speak to you. Go to Him with gratitude for all of the things He has done, is doing or will do in your life. Speak those things that you’ve been praying for as if they’ve already been received and I guarantee, you’ll begin to have a different outlook on so many of those situations.
I still haven’t gotten to the meat and potatoes of my 21 Day Fast so I hope you’ll come back to hear more soon!