There are moments when the answers seem so obvious, yet we choose to do the opposite. We often choose to follow our feelings versus the direction in which we’re being led. Every day we have a choice to be ruled…
Is it really that bad?
Is it really as bad as we make it out to be? Is life really that difficult or are there just times that what we don’t understand begins to consume our thoughts? I often wonder about those times when I…
What if you don’t like everyone?
I honestly don’t know why this is on my mind this morning and I’m not sure who it’s for, but it is for one of you so I have to share… There are some people in your life that you…
Just a Friendly Reminder
Every now and then we all need a little reminder as to why we’re here, why we do what we do and how we can get back on track. You see, it’s easy to start letting everything around us take…
Look Ahead
There are moments when the answers seem so obvious, yet we choose to do the opposite. We often choose to follow our feelings versus the direction in which we’re being led. Every day we have a choice to be ruled…
About Your Future
So I got to thinking about you this morning… I know there’s something bothering you and you wish it would all go away. I know you want these moments to end and this situation to just be over.I know that…
Feeling Inadequate?
Have you ever been in a position where you felt inadequate? When you felt as if, even though everyone else thinks your the right person for the job, you question it? How come, in the times when everyone else sees…
Tackling the Puddles…
Last night, the 3 of us went on a long bike ride and it got me thinking… At one point, about 3 miles into our ride, we came to a puddle. We went through it. Then, we came to an…
The Facebook Post
I posted this on Facebook about 4 am. I thought it would be a good idea to post it on my blog too. Not everyone is on Facebook 🙂 I want to tell you something this morning. It may sound…
What is Your Challenge?
There’s something bothering you. I can tell. You want to know how? Because you’re still reading. You saw my question and you continued on. Believe it or not, I do know your challenge. It’s like mine – grabbing your attention…