• Where did I go?

    People wonder why I’m so happy all of the time. There’s lots of reasons actually…like the fact that I have an amazing husband, daughter, family, friends, and a church family that I love. But honestly, over the past 10 years,…

  • Be An Intentional Listener

    Too often we find ourselves frustrated and ill-tempered, in need of someone to talk to. We need someone to pay attention, to listen, and to give advice when necessary. Maybe you have that person already, yet they don’t seem to…

  • What’s Your Superpower?

    As children we dream of having super powers. We want to fly, to be invisible, or do anything to take out the villains in this world. There are people we look up to and maybe even still to this day.…

  • You Have Potential

    Have you ever thought about the number of lives you have the potential to affect every day? Notice I said “potential”. You see, it isn’t often that we are intentional about going out of our way for someone, that we…

  • Are there intentional circumstances?

    I’m a writer. It’s in my heart and, quite frankly, I’m convinced it’s in my blood. My father could write, I had a grandmother who wrote a book of poetry, and now I know that my daughter can write as…

  • I was thinking about you…

    So I got to thinking about you this morning… I know there’s something bothering you and you wish it would all go away. I know you want these moments to end and this situation to just be over.I know that…

  • Made for More | Intro

    Awhile back, a friend had asked if I would speak at her daughter’s Christian Sorority Retreat. Immediately I asked if she was sure she had texted the right person. I mean, I feel like I’m a good writer, but speaker?…

  • Made for More | Day 1

    **Writer’s Note**Please be sure to read Made for More, a short introduction into the two-part series written for the Sigma Phi Lamba Retreat in October 2019. IntroductionSometimes I wonder, how did I get here? To say that God has worked a lot…

  • Made for More | Day 2

    **Writer’s Note**Please be sure to read Made for More, a short introduction into the two-part series written for the Sigma Phi Lamba Retreat in October 2019. Read Day One here… The second day of the retreat began early on a Saturday…

  • Do Not Waste This

    Nothing looks anything like we thought it would.  What did we really think tomorrow would look like anyway?  Are we ever really accurate with our prediction for the days ahead? I mean, if we were, we would rarely be disappointed, right?  If…