My thoughts exactly
There I was, making guacamole, trying to pick off the perfect leaves of cilantro. When I was done selecting just the right amount, I decided to pick off all of the bad leaves or those that were going bad.…
Faith Through the Flooding
This was a difficult time for many. The flooding brought with it destruction, devastation and heartbreak. For some, it wasn’t about displacement but inconvenience. For others, it wasn’t about loss but about impatience. At a time such as this, when…
Expectancy and Gratitude
I’m crying. I mean really crying. I’m a girl and it’s not the “typical” time when you’d expect me to be emotional. What’s going on… I just realized how incredibly thankful I am. My tears are of gratitude. It’s been SO…
The 21-Day Fast: Part III
If you haven’t read Part I & II, that’s okay, but I would encourage you to go back just to see what it’s all about. Starting here is a good point though, because I’m getting ready to share some of…
The 21-Day Fast: Part II
You may not have figured out your calling overnight or between reading Part I and Part II in this series, but you’re well on your way. Want to know how I know that? Because I’m praying for YOU! You see,…
The 21-Day Fast: Part I
I had no idea how long it would last, but it ended up being 21 days. I went in with no plan other than just being me and focusing on whatever was going on for however long it would take.…
Using the Sun Again
As I was driving to work, God spoke to me through His sun again. Isn’t it funny how He uses His Son and His sun, often for the same purpose? God uses that big, bright ball in the sky to…
Start With Love
I want to let you in on a little secret. I really want to save the world. Shhhh! Don’t tell anyone because they’ll think I’m crazy! My heart hurts for all the things that are wrong with our society. And…
Be An Intentional Listener
Too often we find ourselves frustrated and ill-tempered, in need of someone to talk to. We need someone to pay attention, to listen, and to give advice when necessary. Maybe you have that person already, yet they don’t seem to…
What’s Your Superpower?
As children we dream of having super powers. We want to fly, to be invisible, or do anything to take out the villains in this world. There are people we look up to and maybe even still to this day.…