13 Things I’ve Learned in Less than 24-Hours of Not Speaking
1. I can’t write as fast as I can talk
2. My husband and daughter can’t read lips very well
3. The bell that my husband gave me annoyed him the first time I rang it
4. So far, my daughter likes the bell but made me come up with a ring to signify “yes” and “no”
5. My family can talk a LOT
6. It’s nice to not be able to interrupt
7. One on one conversations sound like they’re talking to themselves (Aubrey pointed this out when Jared was talking to me)
8. Text conversations are a little longer than normal (sorry if you’re on the other end)
9. Writing will never replace talking but writing the words down and having the other person read them takes on its intended tone, not the tone we sometimes unconsciously insert
10. I don’t really want to leave the house or visit with anyone but my two favorites until I can talk again. I feel like my nod and smile looks like a smirk. Plus they get my attitude face.
11. We’re using a little sign language of our own
12. We laugh at each other a lot when trying to be patient
And finally, only because 13 is my favorite number…I have to whisper “I love you” before bed ❤