13 Things I’ve Learned Not Speaking: Day 2
It hasn’t even been a full 48-hours yet but it certainly feels like a week. For someone who feels a deep desire to have the last word, I’m really feeling defeated right now! There’s more funny mixed with a few serious — you have to laugh in situations like this. For me, you just have to laugh without noise
(In no particular order)
1. I use more emojis than ever before (incidentally I’m not a fan of much more than a few faces and hearts but I’m learning to expand based on an underlying tone to my texts/posts. I learned from a friend Fawn awhile back, emojis aren’t the same on every phone. Texters beware!)
2. When you feel like you have a temperature and your thermometer is broke, you may or may not want to listen to your husband when he suggests using a meat thermometer. It may or may not work and he may or may not have been joking. I just wouldn’t recommend it. #nuffsaid
3. Even though vocal chords are located in a different tube (getting technical here for all you medical folks!), it’s okay to enjoy popsicles and ice cream as if you’ve had your tonsils taken out!
4. You use a lot of thumbs up
5. Day 2 SUCKS — had my first set of tears stream down my face when I couldn’t SAY what I needed to say and it caused some frustration.
6. My husband says he misses my voice (no jokes allowed, he really does love me) — All I could think was SEVEN. MORE. DAYS. Que the tears again…
7. Comfort foods sound AND taste good even when you’re not actually sick.
8. When a friend offers something, accept and don’t be afraid to ask!
9. Don’t assume someone will check on you or get upset if they don’t. Just know that you never know how their day is or what they’re going through.
10. I still like not being able to interrupt.
11. You don’t realize how much not talking causes you to think until you can’t talk!
12. It’s really hard for me to not say “Bless You” when someone sneezes.
13. My dogs behave surprisingly well without me speaking.
P.S. I’ve been warned that whispering is worse so I said “I love you” to both of my loves last night. It didn’t sound pretty but it was worth it
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