The 21-Day Fast: The End
It’s never really THE END but I think next week it’ll be time to focus my blog on something else. Time to just get Beyond the Fast and on to what lies ahead.
We tend to stay where we are [mentally] for as long as we can until pressured enough to make a move. Why do we wait often for something significant to happen before we choose where we’ll go next?
God’s timing is everything but so is our follow-through. In order to stay in a certain state of mind, we must keep moving forward or we’ll start to get behind.
Those changes you’ve made, however big or small, they did make an impact on your outlook. You are now seeing things through a clearer set of eyes and in a way that gives you an opportunity to look beyond your current situation.
You can’t beat yourself up for taking a step back or over indulge in whatever your weakness is just because you made a mistake. Pat yourself on the back (because you certainly can’t wait for someone else to do it!) and say, “It’s going to be alright.”
Then just start where you left off and don’t turn back.
In James 1:2, we see that our perfection isn’t and expectation. We are going to have trials, tribulations and temptations along the way. It’s what we do when in those situations that tells God where your heart is. And where your heart is makes all the difference in the world.
I don’t know who this is for today, but I sure hope whoever you are, you’re reading this with an open mind. I’m praying for you today because something inside is telling me that you’re hurting and all you need is a hug to take that next step. So consider this prayer your hug from me!
Dear Heavenly Father, your child is hurting. Their choices haven’t always shown your best work in them and they recognize it. Their path has been curved for way too long and they are ready to surrender to whatever it is that You have prepared for them. Show them the direction they should go. Give them the wisdom to know when they have arrived and lead them continuously so that they may grow to be the son/daughter you’ve called them to be. When the moments are difficult, I pray that they remember you’re there. When the temptations come, and I know they will, I pray they remember you’re there. When the path seems to curve more than they’d expected, I pray they remember you’re there. Today is a day that they will make a choice to follow Your voice; Your voice that You so eloquently chose just for them. Thank you for helping me to hug my friend. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.