Right On Time
I’m not the most punctual person. I get it from my dad’s side of the family. Most of them will admit it because, well, there’s no denying it when you’re always late. My dad, on the other hand, would take it to the extremes some days. Whether it was because he lost his keys, ran out of gas, or because he just got side-tracked, he always made it…eventually.
I vowed to myself that I would not run out of gas EVER and my plan is to stick to that. Running out of gas more times that I can count as a kid and having to walk in not-so-good neighborhoods at night weren’t always the best memories. However, I learned a thing or two in those times that I couldn’t have learned anywhere else.
I learned how to trust my dad that everything was going to be okay.
I learned how to believe we would get there, even if it wasn’t “on time”.
I learned that the most important thing isn’t necessarily that you arrive at a specific time.
However, we’re led to believe that timing is everything. I might agree with that if I understand whose timing we were talking about. There’s always our timing, your timing, and everyone else who thinks they have a handle on the right time.
There are birthday parties, dinner dates, flights, movies and other activities that you can’t argue…have a specific time. But what about the rest of the things that seem timely? We’re given the idea that it doesn’t matter what it is but if we want it, we can get it now. We see messages like:
“No money down!”
“0% Financing!”
“Buy now, pay later!”
The thought instantly comes to mind, if I want it I can have it.
It’s not always about things that cost us in paper money either. There are things that can cost us in other ways if we choose to go for them when it isn’t the right time or in the right way. There’s a time, a place, a purpose for each and every single thing we do. We’ve come so used to getting what we want when we want it that we don’t have the patience to wait for anything anymore.
What does that say about our future? Are we handling things in our own time to suit our desires verses waiting until a time that might just be best for us? What if we took a step back from the situation, wrote down pros and cons, wants vs. needs and truly assessed if whatever it is, needs to happen now or is just something our minds are trying to convince us is a necessity when in all actuality, it’s a want that can wait until a better time?
Often, if we wait patiently, opportunities will present themselves in such a way that we can see our movement would have been detrimental to the overall outcome. It doesn’t give us the best result when we push to have something that could have been so much better had we waited.
What about that house…
That car…
The job…
The perfect man/woman…
It can be about the little things just as much as it’s about the big things. It all adds us to be a sort of timing that will never be our own. This doesn’t mean we sit complacent, never making a move. But it does mean listening to that still, small voice and the urging inside that tells you to wait when everything in your head is telling you to GO! GO! GO!
That yearning inside makes us feel like we won’t be able to handle waiting any longer, but I promise you friends, our heart can handle the wait if we get control of our mind. We have to step out of certain situations or away from what keeps our mind thinking thoughts of want vs need. But in some cases, we are to learn patience by remaining right where we are until the opportunity presents itself. You don’t have to jump. You don’t have to be the first. And I promise you’ll never be the last.
There’s something out there for you. It’s pulling you in a direction that may seem wonderful but not quite right. There’s a timing that’s better. It’s a timing that has withstood all the tests. It’s proof that things happen for a reason, at a time, in a season. It’s why you’re here reading this and why I was led to write it.
You see, this purpose, this plan, it’s something that has been laid out for you. The good, the bad, the confusing, the sad. Each and every experience is leading to something greater, something stronger, and something longer-lasting than anything you could muster up yourself.
Trust in this timing. It’s God’s timing. Have you truly given it to Him and asked Him to lead you? Have you asked for His guidance or walked in His confidence? It doesn’t have to be a life-changing event but I promise, even the small things can be if done at the wrong time. Before you take that medicine, before you buy that couch, before you reach out…look up! Ask God what He thinks. Give it to God and watch Him work. He’ll guide you if you allow Him too.
I don’t know who this was for. I don’t even know where it came from, but you know what? God does. And it was in His timing that you were able to see it! Now believe it!

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