Changing Your Perspective
Ever have those days when you feel like you could change the world with all the thoughts and ideas in your mind?
Those days can go one of two ways…
1. They can end very badly, causing overwhelming stress and anxiety because we cannot change the entire world in one day.
2. They can go extremely well, leading to a second, third and even 20th day of wanting to “be the change”.
We have a choice each day whether to go with one feeling or another. Life just doesn’t seem fair when we look at it one way when another, we realize how blessed we truly are. Things aren’t that bad in the grand scheme of things but it’s all in how you look at it.
I choose a different perspective. I want more God moments and less stress. I want to show more appreciation and less worry. I want to be humble and not afraid. I want to live and not regret.
You see, it doesn’t matter what I did yesterday, last week, last year or many years ago. I am a new person today. Does that mean that my past didn’t happen? No. But it means that I don’t have to dwell on my imperfections, that I can look past those in others and I can live the life I’m supposed to live by working through the challenges.
My perspective is changing because I’m allowing Someone much stronger to guide my life. When I do that wholeheartedly, I find peace amidst strife. Here’s to faith. Here’s to Friday. Here’s to living life!

Start With Love
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