13 Things I’ve Learned Not Speaking: Day 3
In a little over 2 hours, it will have been 3 days since I’ve talked. Well, except by accident or an intentional “I love you”. In total, less than two dozen words have been said. When my doctor appointment is finally here next Tuesday, it will have been a total of EIGHT days and something I will not elect to do again. As much as I am learning throughout this process, it’s also eyeopening as to how much many of us don’t value conversation anymore. That is, until it’s gone. Maybe my lessons for Day 3 will explain…
(in no particular order)
1. Thinking before speaking IS POSSIBLE. It just requires actual thought (and a little restraint). It amazes me the things that just don’t need to be said simply because they don’t matter. And although my opinion matters, it isn’t always necessary.
2. My family is very quickly seeing and understanding why I sometimes try to appear like the duck analogy with my feet furiously paddling underneath while I try to glide along the surface. There’s much to be said about how many people I actually talk to in a day.
3. At first I wanted to leave, to go away so it would be easier and I wouldn’t be so tempted to talk. but isn’t it such a victory to be in a place of great temptation and have the strength to make it through. Oh the empowering feeling this can give. And the convictions on the heart for all the times you’ve said things you shouldn’t that now you simply couldn’t!
4. I CAN talk, I’m just not supposed to. The restraint — strength, whatever you want to call it — just means better chance at a full recovery and I feel like recovery has taken on more meanings that the one intended.
5. I count out loud and read what I need to type more often than I realize.
6. You don’t need a voice to exercise.
7. JUST DO IT – rewash dishes, refold towels, etc. – rather than complaining if it wasn’t done well or to your standards. So what if the dishes are a little dirty still or the towels don’t fit right in the drawer because they’re folded differently than you do it. At least they’re making an effort to do it. There is a different between educating and tolerating although this is easier said than done!
8. Talking louder does NOT make you better understand someone who can’t talk.
9. I need to learn more sign language.
10. After a couple days, family members who can speak tend to mimic the behaviors of those who cannot and simply need a gentle reminder, “Don’t forget, YOU can talk!”
11. I tend to cry only when everyone comes home. Being alone is definitely easier because I already know all I need to say to me
12. The next time I fast, I may choose to give up talking. It’s harder than giving up any piece of pie (which incidentally I had today thanks to my friend Tabitha who is apparently a very good baker ).
13. Sometimes God doesn’t give us a big awakening but tiny whispers from short naps (for all you non-poetic folks, that was a metaphor! LOL). Take, for example, the verse of the day which popped up when I started writing down things that I was learning yesterday.
Ephesians 4:29 (NIV) says, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”
Have you ever really thought about why you say the things you do? How about eliminating the things that really aren’t necessary? There really is so much to consider if you want the best to come out of your mouth for those around you. It takes a lot more thought than most of us ever give it.
Time to start another day
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