It’s Time to Let Go
I can’t use you where I need you if you’re somewhere you shouldn’t be. If you’re off doing your own thing, how can you expect Me to use you for My plan? You must involve Me in it all. Just because it’s good, doesn’t mean it’s Me. I’m asking you to remove the distractions, come back to where I had you and get ready for your calling.
You haven’t missed it.
You're still on track because you’re hearing this today -- that means you’re starting to pay attention again. You’re waking up from:
- a rest
- a reset
- a remote place you let yourself go to
That doesn’t matter anymore. I’m not concerned with where you were as long as you find your way back to Me. What matters now is that you’re here, you’re listening and I’m preparing you for your next step. Stay here. Don’t look away. Focus your future. Don’t mistake focusing your future with focusing on your future. The latter might just make you miss what I have for you today!
Lean into this moment.
Lean into Me.
Draw on My strength for your confidence.
Find you again as you seek Me.
Oh sweet child, I have longed to see your face again.
Let My joy be yours and My peace fill your soul. Breathe in My presence which comes with a sweet aroma found in just being where you're supposed to be.
Close your eyes.
Lift your hands.
Worship the One Who has been missing you.
I gave you life and I’ll fill you up again. Oh beautiful child I have been calling your name but you haven’t heard – until now!!
I am here.
We are together again.
I never left you and I know you were never too far away.
But now it’s time to start moving. I have a purpose and a plan; a future and a hope – to see you prosper and never fall. When you were weak and feeling alone, that was when I carried you. But now it’s time to walk beside me. You’re ready to stand on your own two feet again, not going this way or that but in confidence with Me.
It's time to surrender -- submit your ways to Me and let me lead you onward. There's no reason to stand here going in circles any longer. Trust in Me because I believe in you, my beloved.

When He is Speaking

Dream Bigger
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