• 13 Things I’ve Learned Not Speaking: Day 6

    Of course all of this applies to yesterday but I’m posting on what is considered DAY 6!! That means only TWO more full days. Technically I CAN talk today but because the doc said it would be great if I…

  • 13 Things I’ve Learned Not Speaking: Day 5

    For the most part, today was productive and funny.  I guess we’re getting as used to this as we can.  As of this morning, 3 full days left and a few hours beyond.  I’m on the down slope now 🙂…

  • 13 Things I’ve Learned Not Speaking: Day 4

    Even on Day 4, I can’t honestly say that I could ever get used to this. I feel like I’m in a better spot mentally and in some ways, emotionally, but at the same time it takes nothing at all…

  • 13 Things I’ve Learned Not Speaking: Day 3

    In a little over 2 hours, it will have been 3 days since I’ve talked. Well, except by accident or an intentional “I love you”. In total, less than two dozen words have been said. When my doctor appointment is…

  • 13 Things I’ve Learned Not Speaking: Day 2

    It hasn’t even been a full 48-hours yet but it certainly feels like a week. For someone who feels a deep desire to have the last word, I’m really feeling defeated right now! There’s more funny mixed with a few…

  • My Journey to Silence: The Intro

    There’s a journey I’ve been going on, more internally than anything, ever since I’ve had issues with my vocal cords. If you see my page at all, you probably get a small idea as to how much music means to…

  • Today is a New Day (a short poem)

    Today is a new day. What you did, how you felt, where you were yesterday, it’s all a part of the past. Time to live now, not look too far ahead and be right where you are with all your…

  • Choose Happy

    Why are we never happy?It’s a Monday, we wish it were Friday.It’s summer, we wish it were fall.It’s chilly, we wish it were warmer.It’s rainy, we wish it were sunny.It seems as though, no matter what the situation, we always…

  • It’s Okay

    Every single day.  Every moment. Every ounce.  It can be exhausting.  The smile is often from a place that you’ve prayed for because, on your own, you couldn’t have managed to muster it up. Today it’s different.  Today you feel…