9 Things I’ve Learned Not Speaking: Day 8 (THE FINAL HOURS)


It’s hard to post today because I decided to start talking since it was Day 7. So on Day 8, I’m going to finish up my posts with less than 13 things but something even more important…

1. My bell still works.

2. As much as people have been joking about it, my two loves really do miss my voice. It was nice to hear that from them both 

3. You cannot be in a room full of friends you haven’t seen in a long time and not talk.

4. Once you start talking again, there’s no going back.

5. My dog really appreciates hearing my voice again.

6. Mother-Daughter conversations were much overdue.

7. I want to protect my voice more than ever now.

8. I will fast talking one day. It was one of the hardest things to give up.

9. Now that the day is FINALLY here, I am a bit concerned with what’s next. But I know God has me.

Over this time period, I may have shared 100 things I’ve learned but one thing stands out above them all.

#101 — I am surrounded by people who truly love and care for me, each in their own special way. Some I heard from daily, others several times in the week, some not at all but I felt their prayers. I received texts, flowers, meals, cards, messages, a pie, a necklace, songs, hugs, kisses and a whole lot of love! There are days when I feel disconnect or sad, not because I have anything specifically wrong in life but simply because it happens to many of us from time to time. However, during this past week of my life, I have felt all of the love that I would have l paid to feel during those lonely times. And you know what God told me before surgery even happened? He told me to take notes. So I did. From the first encouraging message to the last kind gesture, I have written down every name of every person and what they did throughout this process that made me feel special. And you know what? The next time I feel sad or disconnected, I’m going to get that list back out so that I can remember how many people showed me they loved me and that they care. You see, those little gestures mean so much for someone. Something as simple as a text to let someone know you’re thinking about them can lift them up on a bad day. A meal, a card, a BIG hug can quite possibly carry them through a really tough time. We each have our own special way to love and more specifically, our own way to love specific people. Don’t ever think it’s going to be the same for one as it will for another. You don’t necessarily have to consider their love language before you reach out, but really make it personal. And whatever you do, be sincere in telling them that you love them.

Thank you to everyone who has reached out throughout this process. I am certainly a blessed woman! Love you all